About your martial applications
We are not talking about 'dim mak-reptilian brain applications',
we are talking about basic applications.
Basic applications will have the quality of dance to it.
There is nothing wich could not be said
in the wordless martial language of Tai Chi Chuan.
Tai chi Chuan produces martial strategies which, even if
they are not produced by consciously aiming at explicitly formulated goals,
turn out to be objectively adjusted to the particular situation.
A real Tai Chi application guided by sung, by 'the intuitive feel of the game',
has all the appearances of the rational action.
And yet it's not based on reason. It has nothing to do with learned construction.
Acupoints: Li 18, Li 17.
Martial Tai Chi Chuan can be dangerous, on the other hand it offers you
a solid framework for understanding similarities and differences.
Advanced Tai Chi application.
1. Slip block,
2. from fa jing single whip (HT1- GB 21.)
3. to fa jing shoulder press(compressing lungs).
Form -- Basic application.
We have to deal with the tension between
*intuition and standard* techniques.
To deal with the balance between sensivity and objectivity.
Technique without intuition is standardisation (losing the feeling of the game),
Intuition without technique is losing control, (losing objectivity).
Moral objectivity
means *managing the tension between objectivity and sensivity*.
It entails learning to treat others fairly and just like ourselves.
In martial Tai Chi Chuan learning is working, thinking is doing.
In competitive business learning is working, thinking is doing.
The 'master' is able to observe
and understand his own thinking and doing in his field of expertise. The 'master' is able to understand
similarities and differences. Surface vibrations of water make it impossible to see the bottom of the lake.
Deep expertise is demonstrated by effectiveness and fluency in complex problem solving.
It's the ability to 'improvise', to change course at the last minute and to explore new horizons.
Deep expertise is always intuitive, you see only one move ahead, but it's always the correct one.
Chinese internal martial arts offer you thousands
of applications for real self defence.
All Tai Chi forms, even short forms,
contain hidden and 'secret' martial luggage.
Using the knees.
Maybe this can help to understand the difference
between internal and external martial applications:
的f we fight strength with strength
we may train for years. We end up with nothing".
(Taoistic classics)
A Tai Chi student must make his business to duplicate
his teachers martial applications as exactly as possible.
Later on when students become more advanced
they may change the outward moves.
We may change standard applications
but if the classical Tai Chi principles are being violated
can it considered wrong.
In real self defence against serious attackers we need simple techniques.
The best techniques are the ones that the opponent
gives you as a perfect gift.
The highest endowments do not create, they only discover.
Like in the Tai Chi form the spine should be held straight and vertically.
It helps the whole body acts as an antenna to pick up vibrations.
We are not talking about concentration.
What we want is the opposite of this.
We are looking for a meditave state of sung(song).
Sung makes the difference between Tai Chi Chuan and most of other martial arts.
The 壮tate of sung' makes free from superficial emotions.
In a real fight sung allows you in a split second to make real free choices.
Remember everything is always changing. Nature's mighty law is change.
The goal of Tai Chi Chuan should be to help to cultivate mental awareness
physical flexibility to adapt to the changing needs of the moment.
When defending move at the same speed as your opponent.
When attacking, attack first.
Always stay in your own Tai Chi circle.
Stay in your own 'martial range'.
The tongue should be press lightly the roof of the mouth
making contact between Ying and Yang.
Make contact between you and your opponent.
Keep contact all the time.
You need to adapt.
Safety first!
Safety must be your number one priority.
Keep your garden protected.
Some students are experts who have earned advanced
martial degrees right from the beginning.
Real Tai Chi applications are not easy to do.
It will take a little bit of time but once you know your
own master (yourself), you become a master.
One palm in/elbow -- one palm out/elbow:
A martial application is like drawing a horsebow:
The old masters told their students 'to draw the bow to the full',
and.... let it be, let it go.
Life is like drawing a horsebow. The mind will create and direct intention and direction, but we cannot create and direct
for anyone else. Energy follows the mind, we create where energy goes.
We won't make progress by blaming others, or by blaming circumstances. We must understand that we are not a victim of
anyone in life. Finally there is no excuse, for nothing. Excuses are a waste of energy and only succeed in deluding and
distracting you. Replace them with ways to do better. Life is like drawing a horsebow to the full, and... let it be, let it go.
The Tai Chi fan is a weapon.
Weapons will teach the practioner extending chi
to any object (person) holding in his hand.
Chi can be passed from one person to another.
Chi can be passed from one person to another and then circulated back again (push hands).
Taoism teaches also that when sexuality is performed 団orrectly�
it is an energizing and life-giving Yin-Yang process
for both partners.
Vice versa.
About Martial Arts
Wild animals never kill for sport.
Man is the only one.
(G. A. Froude)
Anger management
Humans don't fight like animals, they fight like humans. Animals can't speak up for themselves, they can fight back.
When we are attacked physically, our bodies respond by physically anger means. Anger is a very strong emotion, but anger
can get out of control and become destructive and problematic. A fool gives vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself
under control. Why do we get angry ? We get angry when our expectations are not met, whether those expectations are about
ourselves, or about others. When our expectations are unmet, we revert to illusions of control, unrealistically expecting
all people to behave and all situations to turn out as we think they should. Most people think of anger and peace of mind
as opposites, but in fact they are both manifestations of the same process. Peace of mind is meaningful only in relation
to anger, how different these two worlds may be, they are dependant upon each other in order to exist. They feed on each
other and cannot exist without the other. Of course, anger and peace of mind, force and mind, control and lose of control
are yin-yang opposits, but our mind -not our force- is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for the
yin-yang opposites. Anger management is perhaps the greatest form of self defense, I've found internal martial arts are a
great help in anger management. Learning to accept anger could be the first step, but to defend yourself in a life or dead
situation, we must use our reptilian brain. Reptilians use agression, not anger.
Reptilian brain applications
Tai Chi Chuan is an internal martial art, it's the supreme ultimate fist. When you are a Tai Chi teacher, the first rule
of teaching is to know what you are supposed to teach. The second rule is to know a little more. What you cannot create,
you do not understand, ask yourself, and you alone, if your Tai Chi applications will work in the street in a life or dead
situation. If you are doing basic martial applications in the street, you are a beaten martial artist. We cannot simply
take the postures from the form and practice them in the street, the form postures only give us the correct way of moving
the body and the mind. Most people only get to see the first area of Tai Chi Chuan, the self healing area. Obviously one
has to be healthy in order to practice a self defence such as Tai Chi Dim-mak.
It's not just the fact that we strike to very dangerous points, it is the way that we strike to this points and the
explosive fa jing method we use to attack an attacker before he attacks. From a Chinese internal martial art paradigm
western excercises make no sense, more advanced methods take us into what Erle Montaigue called "the reptilian brain method".
Our reptilian brain is our oldest brain, it's responsible for our survival related functions, it controls much more of our
behavior than we realize, it controls basic functions of heart and lungs. All animals have a survival brain, it controls
all biological functions needed for survival, it controls the body temperature. Our human reptilian brain is connected to
the spinal cord wich allows the brain and the body to communicate. Use of this brain is a major part of your Tai Chi
curriculum. Normally there is no need to activate the reptilian brain in normal life, but to defend yourself do what you
have to do. Your body and mind must act like an animal : use the reptilian brain method where we no longer fight like human
beings, but rather like wild animals. Don't get angry, stay cool, stay agressive without anger and without fear.
"Use the reptilian brain", that is what Tai Chi Chuan and all serious internal martial arts are all about, causing the body
to do the dirty work, keeping the mind safe and clean.
Advanced Tai Chi applications, it is not a game of fighting, it is not sparring, it is not MMA. It's about "no form and no
posture", it's about no thinking, just doing. It's all about the mind. The postures from any internal art form are not the
fighting art. Forms and postures are very important, they are the fundation of all internal martial arts systems, but when
it comes down to it, it just depends on whether or not you want to use your reptilian brain functions. Only a trained mind
can make such clear and conscious decisions. Any advanced internal martial artist with a trained mind can without thinking
choose to land or not to land a punch, a strike or a kick at full force. Like an animal, any advanced martial artist with a
trained mind can without thinking change the direction of an attack. At any time. The password is "control".
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